Through many different programs and activities we would like to strengthen the hearts and minds of youths in different indigenous communities. Our programs and activities include: mind lecture, recreation, scavenger hunt, performances and academies. The mind lectures are the main program of all ILNA Camps.
The mind lectures teach students the importance of a strong mindset which involves being sensitive to the words and feelings of those around them. Students are able to receive change and strength through a humble heart.
During recreation time, youths are able to gather with their teams and show real team building skills. As they overcome various obstacles as a team, they learn to help each other and most importantly trust one another.
The scavenger hunt is one of the main events of the Camp. It can only be done when all members of the team gather together and communicate with each other. As they go through the missions and challenges together, they are able to learn about each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and talents and learn to connect with one another.
ILNA has many proven and engaging programs and activities including dance, music and drama. We have seen that when youths listen to different kinds of music and do different kinds of dances, they will enjoy themselves, while feeding their minds with positive and uplifting imagery.
Each morning, a variety of engaging academies are set up throughout the Camp venue to accommodate the diverse interests of the participants, ranging from topics in leadership and martial arts to home improvement and photography. This is a time for the students to learn various skills they may use in their lives.
Team building is essential to making connections. ILNA Camps are organized around large and small group settings. Rarely do attendees do anything on their own. Camp counselors create different team-building activities, which range from physical challenges to discussion/counselling sessions.
- Academy Teacher
- Academy Assistant
- Photography
- Performance
- General Staff