Our story
Dr. Ock Soo Park
Representative of Advisor
“How We Became Involved with Native Americans”
In 2011, during the New York World Camp, 43 students from Canada’s First Nations were invited. On the last day of the camp, Pastor Ock Soo Park, the founder of IYF (International Youth Fellowship), met with the students and had various conversations. The students were very delighted and expressed their gratitude. Among them, one student said to the pastor, “Thank you so much for inviting me. But many of my friends are struggling. Please help my friends.” After that, IYF volunteers began visiting Canada’s First Nations and Native American tribes in the United States to hold youth camps on themes such as building strong minds, deep thinking and connection.
And now, it operates under the name ILNA (Indigenous Leaders of North America), and ILNA was registered as a non-profit organization in January 2023.
“ILNA's Mission to Build Tomorrow's Global Leaders”
Although young people these days wear the latest designer brands and do what they can to create an ideal lifestyle for themselves, they do not have true freedom or peace in their hearts. Today’s youths have long since been ill-equipped to bear the responsibilities of their generation, and do not possess the values to lead this world into tomorrow. Nevertheless, they are our hope. ILNA strives to take on the
difficulties and worries of our young people working with IYF, as well as support their fights and efforts, because they represent the future. ILNA possesses an active, youthful energy and a beautiful spirit of exchange and service while embracing sacrifice and challenge. ILNA is becoming a cradle for tomorrow’s global leaders who wish to pursue their dreams and develop a strong heart. Like stars that brighten the dark night sky, the youth of ILNA will become lights that illuminate the world.